"Everything about The Ark punched well above its weight, from the spare desert beauty of the Moroccan setting, to the subtle North Africa-inspired soundtrack by Magnus Fiennes." The Daily Telegraph
Red Planet Pictures
Starring: David Threlfall, Joanne Whalley, Joanne Whalley, Don Warrington
Produced by: Andrew Boswell, Belinda Campbell, Bianca Gavin
Directed by: Kenny Glenaan
Written by: Tony Jordan
A BBC film version of the story of the Great Flood and Noah's ark, starring Shameless lead David Threlfall and Joanne Whalley. Tony Jordan's take on th story focused on traditional family and intimacy at the heart of this epic biblical tale, striupping it back to themes of faith, love and loyalty. Music was a fusion of Arabic/ North and East African influences with a raw, gutsy European/Americana folk flavor.
Feature Film  /  2015
Magnus Fiennes